Monday, May 16, 2011

My Bird Feeder List (2009-2011) -IN PROGRESS-

Please be patient while I go through 3 gigs of birding photographs to find all my resident and visiting birdies!

This will be our third summer living in our house, so I thought I would list all the birds that I've seen at our feeders!  I have  platform feeders for the "boisterous" birds, and hanging feeders for our "polite" birds, as well as suet baskets and peanutbutter+seeds smeared onto tree bark.  Notable birds include:
Skeeter, a disheveled looking mourning dove who will let you walk within two feet of him without becoming alarmed.
Soldat, a blue jay whom all other jays respect and let eat first, whom has a drooping wing due to an old healed injury.
 Baldy, a male cardinal whose head is completely bald.

Pair indicates there are clear mated pairs, single means I've seen them singly, or I can't tell if it's the same bird or a different one!

Boisterous birds:
Blue Jay pairs

Common Grackle pairs

Crow two pairs
Northern Flicker single

Pileated Woodpecker (new sighting for 2011 Holy pteradactyl, batman!!) single

Red Bellied Woodpecker pair
Red Headed Woodpecker pair

Red Wing Blackbird (new for 2011) one pair, three males

Ruby Throated Hummingbird (if you don't believe they're boisterous, you've never been dive bombed by a pissed off hummingbird before!) singles?
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker single

Polite birds:

American Goldfinch three pairs

Black Capped Chickadee three pairs

Cardinal three pairs

Chipping Sparrow pairs

Common Redpoll pairs

Downy Woodpecker pairs
European House Sparrow pairs

House Finch pairs

Indigo Bunting (new for 2011) pair
Northern Mockingbird

Red Breasted Nuthatch pairs

Rose Breasted Grosbeak pair

Pine Siskin single (new for 2011)

Titmouse pairs
White Breasted Nuthatch pairs

Yellow Rumped Warbler (new for 2011) single

Yellow Warbler (new for 2011) pair

Ground birds:

American Robin dozen

Dark Eyed Junco (new for 2011) dozens!!

Fox Sparrow (new for 2011) single

Kildeer single

Mourning Dove expanding family, three pairs

White Crowned Sparrow pair

White Throated Sparrow pair

Unseen, but heard:
Eastern Screech Owl pair
Great Horned Owl

Resident Raptors:
Bald Eagle juvenile (spotted by Casey flying over our house!)

Sharp Shinned Hawk female

Red Tailed Hawk female
Turkey Vultures families

 Grey Squirrel family
Ground Hog pair
Rabbit family (absent 2011)
Red Fox (resident, across the street)

Red Squirrel pair, mommy is preggers!
Skunk family

White Tailed Deer family

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