Tuesday, January 12, 2010

An Unexpected Guest!

Today, we had some of the most incredible activity I had ever seen at my feeders.  I counted over a dozen sparrows and finches!  It was just amazing!  These two little guys are a female and male house finch, I believe.  I love this pose where they're facing opposite directions.

They were watching me the entire time as I photographed them.  Mind you, I'm about three feet away from them sitting on/in the kitchen sink.

My little titmouse loves to come to visit my feeders.  Today, he brought a friend!!  He seems more intelligent than the jays and cardinals, who went after food on the ground, rather than the huge baking tray I set up on the pedestal.

Today, Mr. Jay was more interested in nomming from the suet feeder.  He's such a piggy!  Mrs. Woodpecker also loves eating the suet, which is really cute to watch.

Here's Mrs. Woodpecker!  She's eating seeds off the ground.

Our unexpected guest!!  I had never seen a bird quite like this before, it was also due in part because of the weather.  It was really poofed out, making it look larger.

After pouring over internet sites, I finally managed to find out what it was!  A northern mockingbird!!! (Doyyyyy......)  I haven't seen a mockingbird in ages, and this one was more brownish than the grey I'm used to seeing, poofiness aside!  I've named him Mr. Poof, or just Poofy... So cute!  I was told it's not typical to see them down in low brush this time of the year, but I guess he must've been really hungry!  After Poofy came down, all the other birds got up and left.  I guess they don't like him much.

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