Friday, March 30, 2012

Such a Good Boy / Thanks for not mauling my husband!

This afternoon while I was cleaning the kitchen, I stepped out for a moment to clean and refill birdbaths, set fresh seed out, take the compost out and set out expired leftovers on the Crow Pile.  Das Hubby was milling about in the kitchen for a while (does anyone else have husbands who "hover" while you do housework?).

When I came back in, Kai had flown from the faucet over to R's shoulder.  The two of them were staring at each other in a very curious manner holding stock still as they checked one another out.  Kai will let R pick him up if I'm not there, or if he winds up on the floor without issue, but neither of us are sure if Kai would bite him if he tried to remove him from his shoulder.  My guess is he wouldn't.

I laughed and watched them staring for a while, then went to pick Kai up.  He got lots of kisses for stepping up easily and for not mauling my husband.  It's spring and most parrots are hormonal as all get-out, but I've been careful to manage Kai's hormones each year, and he's never been aggressive with R or the cats.  The exception is when they come up to his house or somewhere he feels cornered and can't easily fly away, but that's understandable, and it's just posturing.

I reminded y that it's mating season, and warned him that Kai might be a little moody.  He replied, "Oooo, so Kai wants to do it with you!"  >.<  Blarrrr......

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