Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Day Underground Venue Was a Success!

Woke up for a second to check mail and stuff...and write a tiny blurb that I made more money than I thought I would on selling art prints and photographs!  Success!!  I feel really good about all the responses I got to my portfolio in general, though next time I'll have a lot more to offer. 
For next time:
~TAKE SOMETHING TO MAKE ME SLEEP THE NIGHT BEFORE.  I was so nervous/excited that I got an hour of sleep...
~Draw more furry bunnies.  My Bunny Foo Foo sold the most out of all my prints.
 ~Don't pack enough food to feed an army, it just weighs too much and I was so nervous or talking so much that I didn't eat any of it, anyway.
~Print more of my fox artwork, because a lot of people like foxes. (I didn't have many printed out, but I got orders to be mailed out!)
~Don't pack as many baskets/bins unless they can actually hold stuff well...Lopsided baskets FTL!
(My booth!  It's so uh....well, I'm an artist, what do you want? LULz)
(My sister was with me in spirit, and everyone loved reading my sign)

~Must get one 8 foot table to replace a 6 foot table...two 6 footers wasn't quite big enough...
~Moo business cards were a success!  Must order more cards...Out of 100, I think 70-80 were taken!
~Have signs for prices printed already...maybe have someone with nice handwriting write signs.
~Sew more owls and loved them.
~Silk screen shirts...
~Colour more loved them and took home the ones that looked like theirs...and buy more frames for them...
~Print out pics of the other animals to display as my family - got a lot of attention because of the pics I had out!
Cool points:
~Peaches and Amanda did such an awesome freakin' job, I can't imagine how much time and effort it took for them to pull everything together.  THANK YOU, GUYS!!!
~My husband was SO supportive and awesome.  I love him so much!  Next time, I think I'll let him go home and just have him pick me up, though.  He was so bored...poor thing.
~I actually had everything packed the night before!! GO ME!  Now...if I could just figure out where my missing prints went off to...I lost a few kitties somewhere.
~Crafters came out from as far away as Pennsylvania!  Holy poohbear!
~We had a huge turnout despite the venue being in an industrial/warehouse zone.
~I had a lot of positive comments and talked more than I have in much that I lost my voice.
~I have an appointment to design some tattoos for a lady.
 ~Made lots of cool local crafter friends :)
 (Peaches can make birds really fast!  I didn't quite catch this one :) )
~I got to play with Peaches :) (and finally met the mysterious Amanda!)
~Scored lots of amazing artwork and fun things!
~Had a great time in general, despite feeling icky...still recovering from whatever illness this is, with allergies piled on top of that. (I had a fever of 100F on Thursday and wasn't sure I'd be able to make it to Saturday, but I did!  Thank Dog!)

Silly final thoughts:
~There was a whole group of husbands-of-crafters at the venue.  I think I shall call a collective grouping of HoC "a bored".  "Oh, honey, look - a bored of husbands-of-crafters!  Why don't you join them until I need you?"  I think there needs to be a Man Cave Central at each show where they can sit together and play their computer games together when their wives don't need them to watch their booths.  Or a HoC support group of some sort...!  There could be a DVD with zombies or something playing as they drink beer and huddle together in relative silence...

 ~When the little girl tells you there's "a carnival" outside with a lot of food, but there aren't any rides, games, or a petting zoo....she means THE FOOD VENDOR.  As a note, I shouldn't go around telling vendors I think there's a carnival going on outside, because I believed the little girl (and probably looked like a major blonde...).  The nice lady at the quilt shop mentioned it might be the vendor cart in the alley and I finally realized...Ghhh....
But yeah, I had a really great time at the venue and I'm looking forward to attending more!  The only thing is...I need to start drawing a couple months in advance.  I imagine there'll be a bunch coming up throughout the summer, October, and November.  I think I'll start on a bunch of Halloween related projects now, because that'll probably be the next one I'll want to attend :)

For now.....must crash and die in bed again.  *Gurgle*


  1. Thank you for posting these! I'll be putting a few on Facebook! ~(the mysterous) Amanda

  2. Up here, we have a Farmer's Market every Friday morning from the first weekend in April to the last weekend in September. For the first few weeks, it's pretty much all crafts, handmade soaps, organic meats, and things like that (because nothing is growing yet). The big craft markets and such tend to happen between September and December, as everyone gears up for Christmas shopping. Living in an isolated area, everyone either heads out of town to shop, or buys at the same two or three stores in town. Having the craft markets lets people find unique gifts without the expense of travelling.

  3. :D Yay!! I'm glad you liked them!

  4. I love Farmer's Markets! And flea markets, too! I haven't run into meats, yet, but plenty of veggies and fruits and flowers. I bet you guys get such gorgeous produce up there when it finally ripens, though! :D

  5. Your booth looked great! It was a pleasure to meet you! I hope you enjoy your Scrabble tiles and domino! Thank you! Great pictures of the show, too!

  6. Aw, thank you!! an impulse buyer when it comes to cute things and shiny things (I'm such a crow!). I really love my domino necklace!! I know my giftees will really love their scrabble tiles, too!! :D Let me know if you're teaching more classes, I'd love to attend!

