Every morning just before the sun rises, I go out and load my feeders up with a handful of peanuts, chickadee mix, and finch mix, toss corn out on the grass area across the way to distract the squirrels, and put a little more seed on the floor for the doves. Some days we have dozens of birds, all of which ignore the grey squirrels sniffing and nomming corn bits. Then the red squirrels come along and mass chaos ensues in the squirrel drama department...
Birds that stay for winter:
Titmice - we get as many as 8
Blue Jays - we get as many as 10 x.x
Cardinals - 2 mated pairs plus a baby or two
Assorted Sparrows (European, American Tree, White-crowned, Chipping, House) - 10-25
Mourning Doves - we get 6-8, they like to sit in my platform style feeder now so they're not on the ground LOL
House Finches - 2-4
Chickadees!!!! 4-12, they're insanely adorable...
White and/or Red-breasted Nuthatches - there's dozens all up and down the pine trees and the ROOF of all places, all morning.
Goldfinches - 1-6 on the thistle feeders. Some have taken to sitting in the platform feeder, too!
Sharp-shinned Hawk! - Only one so far...went after the sparrows.
Downy Woodpeckers - 1-2
Golden-fronted Woodpecker or a Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1
Northern Flicker 1
Only show up during winter:
Dark-eyed Junco - we get as many as 8, kinda territorial
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1-2
Monday, December 20, 2010
Someone's instant messaging me! Wait, no they're not!
Earlier, I was chatting on Skype IMs.
When someone sends an IM, it goes, PWOOP! Well, I keep hearing multiple PWOOP!s like someone has messaged me, but there's nothing new added to the conversation! What the heck?
Then, I realize that the extra PWOOP!s are coming after someone actually sends me a message. I look to the right...
LO AND BEHOLD, Kai is mimicking the sound...and is calling back, PWOOP!, after someone IMs! Augh, it's so unbearably cute!!
Exciting news! Kai can FLY!
It's midnight-fifteen as I write this and I'm buzzing with excitement! Why? Because tonight, Kai flew for the very first time on his own!!
I know, I know, what's the big deal about a parrot flying, anyway? Well, I wasn't sure he remembered how to, for one thing. At Birds Unlimited, like most responsible breeders, they waited until Kai had flown for a good amount of time as a baby until they were certain he knew how, then they clipped his wings so he could be out and about at the store. I waited so patiently for his first really good molt this fall, since he didn't molt much during spring. Boy, he didn't disappoint me in fall!!
I couldn't BELIEVE how much he molted, either! Like, holy cats!! I thought he might be sick, or that he was molting way too much! Maybe he was malnourished (somehow!?), and he was plucking. I stressed and my own hair started shedding more than usual, too. Now that I know what to expect, I'll be better prepared for his next major molt. I've saved most of his molted feathers for ...well, just because! They're so gorgeous and amazing to look at - the different shapes, sizes, softness, everything! It's not hard to be entranced by the perfect lines and the structure of feathers, really.
I was worried that Kai was plucking for a long time, because he had a few stubborn flight feathers - which had been clipped at the store - that weren't coming out. So he chewed the ends of the clipped feathers until they were frayed. Then he started pulling the whole shredded feather out. I upped his protein a little with extra chicken, hardboiled egg, and edamame, added coconut oil to his diet, just in case. I'm sure I had nothing to worry about, but New Mommy Syndrome is strong in me...I'm also a huge worry wort if one of my loved ones isn't feeling well. (eg: B-kun has been having an ongoing headache for the entirety of the past two weeks, so I rode his butt until he agreed to see the doctor.)
There was one point where Kai was acting like he wasn't feeling well, was in a lot of pain, and became extra bitchy and bitey. He wanted to be held, but he didn't want to be held. He really wanted me to allopreen him, but it bothered him, and he didn't want me to allopreen him. He wanted to sit on my arm after dinner - no, wait, he didn't afterall. I thought his wings were hurt or broken, because he would cry out if he bumped his wings against things and bite, but Peaches came over and checked him out for me. He seemed fine to her, even if he was favouring one side. I hadn't bathed him in a while, because I thought it would stress him out too much, but after Peaches' reassurance, I totally soaked him. What I saw when Kai was wet down to the skin amazed me - he looked worse than Pinhead from Clive Barker's Hellraiser movies on his wings and under his wings!. Since I knew all his itchy pin feathers were coming in, I ignored his moodiness as best I could, and moved his dinner perch closer to the arm of the chair so he could be near me, but not within biting range of me. Being close was enough, and he was happy not to hurt me, and I was happy to give him lots of crunchy things to snap and break so he could take out his bitchiness on other things that weren't covered in flesh.
Since our relationship has deepened and strengthened over the year he's lived with me, he no longer bites me as hard as those few times in the past. I have come to recognize when his pinfeather isn't ready to be preened yet, when I shouldn't try to pick him up, not to stick my hand into his cage, or push my hand against his chest, and other things that set him off. In exchange, he knows that he doesn't need to bite me to shave flesh off my body in order to get my attention or make me stop what I'm doing if he doesn't like it. Now, my poor husband on the other hand...well....I have devised a wooden perch with a cardboard handguard for him if he absolutely needs to pick Kai up.
Kai's territorial behaviour towards B-kun only really occurs when we're on the couch or if he's on his house in my craft room, though. I'm going to start using his house in my craft room as his play house only, again, and have him sleep in his boarding house as his bedroom so he may feel less territorial. I'm going to change Kai's routine a little and have him in a different location when B-kun comes home from work, which is away from me, so he doesn't feel like he needs to protect me or his space, either. I have shown B-kun how to give Kai treats from a spoon, so he doesn't get bitten, either. B-kun had slacked off on that, as well as not taking showers with Kai like he used to, so I think Kai feels a little upset about that, as well. I realize the err in my request to have B-kun take Kai to bed, as well, because Kai bit him twice for putting him to bed. Why? Well, Kai probably didn't want to go to bed, and he saw B-kun as the Not-Mom who was making him do something he didn't want to do....
That's the sort of hindsight that makes me facepalm myself, but I learn and help B-kun try to understand, too.
A lot of the time, because my husband has never really had an animal of his own - cats don't count... - he doesn't know what to do or how to act around them. I, on the other hand, have lived around and worked with animals all of my life. I associate better with animals than I do people, for the most part, so I find myself explaining things to B-kun a lot, because he just doesn't see things from an animal's point of view, and he doesn't understand why they're acting a certain way. I'm often confused as to why people act so irrationally, lie, cheat, and treat others so horribly, though occasionally I can break it down into instincts, such as reward-seeking behaviour, territorial behaviour, flock behaviour, etcetera. A lot of the time I attribute people acting like jackasses to boredom and a lack of proper mental stimulation and exercise...
On that note on behaviours, I'm not looking forward to spring mating hormones, but if other people can endure it - if Paul and his staff at Birds Unlimited can handle all of their parrots during spring!! - then I can handle it. I've done lots of reading on how to minimize his hormones, like keeping his light on a timer, not feeding certain foods, and not encouraging mating or courtship rituals. I'll admit that I'm nervous that Kai will be flying over to attack B-kun once his hormones are in full gear. So far, Kai has only shown an interest in flying to his house - not to me, and not towards B-kun to scare him away or to bite him. That was Kai's doctor's main concern where parrots being flighted were considered. He said that parrots should be clipped to prevent them from acting out their aggression and to keep them from being territorial. I believe that it depends on the parrot, like any other person or animal, but we'll see. If Kai does get out of hand, I'll opt for him to be only partially clipped during the spring, and he'll be fully flighted during fall and winter.
I'm doing more reading now on how to encourage Kai to fly, along with a few other things that I feel may be important to his good health. For a while, he really didn't seem able to fly - or maybe it was just because he lacked the self-confidence to push himself to let go of my finger. There were a few times where he had taken one foot off my finger as I walked forward and said my usual, "Let's go, Kai, WHEE!!!" as he flapped his wings for exercises...but he would always hold on. Now, he feels much more confident, I think, so much so that he flew from my husband's hand in the living room, through the foyer, around the slight corner, and right onto his house!! It was such an eventful night...
It's now 1:00 am and Kai and I are hungry! It's time for "lunch"...I feel a little bad for turning Kai into a night owl like me, but he has adjusted to my schedule easily enough! I think it helps that my room is completely dark, even with the sun shining outside, unless I have my full spectrum lights on.
I know, I know, what's the big deal about a parrot flying, anyway? Well, I wasn't sure he remembered how to, for one thing. At Birds Unlimited, like most responsible breeders, they waited until Kai had flown for a good amount of time as a baby until they were certain he knew how, then they clipped his wings so he could be out and about at the store. I waited so patiently for his first really good molt this fall, since he didn't molt much during spring. Boy, he didn't disappoint me in fall!!
I couldn't BELIEVE how much he molted, either! Like, holy cats!! I thought he might be sick, or that he was molting way too much! Maybe he was malnourished (somehow!?), and he was plucking. I stressed and my own hair started shedding more than usual, too. Now that I know what to expect, I'll be better prepared for his next major molt. I've saved most of his molted feathers for ...well, just because! They're so gorgeous and amazing to look at - the different shapes, sizes, softness, everything! It's not hard to be entranced by the perfect lines and the structure of feathers, really.
I was worried that Kai was plucking for a long time, because he had a few stubborn flight feathers - which had been clipped at the store - that weren't coming out. So he chewed the ends of the clipped feathers until they were frayed. Then he started pulling the whole shredded feather out. I upped his protein a little with extra chicken, hardboiled egg, and edamame, added coconut oil to his diet, just in case. I'm sure I had nothing to worry about, but New Mommy Syndrome is strong in me...I'm also a huge worry wort if one of my loved ones isn't feeling well. (eg: B-kun has been having an ongoing headache for the entirety of the past two weeks, so I rode his butt until he agreed to see the doctor.)
There was one point where Kai was acting like he wasn't feeling well, was in a lot of pain, and became extra bitchy and bitey. He wanted to be held, but he didn't want to be held. He really wanted me to allopreen him, but it bothered him, and he didn't want me to allopreen him. He wanted to sit on my arm after dinner - no, wait, he didn't afterall. I thought his wings were hurt or broken, because he would cry out if he bumped his wings against things and bite, but Peaches came over and checked him out for me. He seemed fine to her, even if he was favouring one side. I hadn't bathed him in a while, because I thought it would stress him out too much, but after Peaches' reassurance, I totally soaked him. What I saw when Kai was wet down to the skin amazed me - he looked worse than Pinhead from Clive Barker's Hellraiser movies on his wings and under his wings!. Since I knew all his itchy pin feathers were coming in, I ignored his moodiness as best I could, and moved his dinner perch closer to the arm of the chair so he could be near me, but not within biting range of me. Being close was enough, and he was happy not to hurt me, and I was happy to give him lots of crunchy things to snap and break so he could take out his bitchiness on other things that weren't covered in flesh.
Since our relationship has deepened and strengthened over the year he's lived with me, he no longer bites me as hard as those few times in the past. I have come to recognize when his pinfeather isn't ready to be preened yet, when I shouldn't try to pick him up, not to stick my hand into his cage, or push my hand against his chest, and other things that set him off. In exchange, he knows that he doesn't need to bite me to shave flesh off my body in order to get my attention or make me stop what I'm doing if he doesn't like it. Now, my poor husband on the other hand...well....I have devised a wooden perch with a cardboard handguard for him if he absolutely needs to pick Kai up.
Kai's territorial behaviour towards B-kun only really occurs when we're on the couch or if he's on his house in my craft room, though. I'm going to start using his house in my craft room as his play house only, again, and have him sleep in his boarding house as his bedroom so he may feel less territorial. I'm going to change Kai's routine a little and have him in a different location when B-kun comes home from work, which is away from me, so he doesn't feel like he needs to protect me or his space, either. I have shown B-kun how to give Kai treats from a spoon, so he doesn't get bitten, either. B-kun had slacked off on that, as well as not taking showers with Kai like he used to, so I think Kai feels a little upset about that, as well. I realize the err in my request to have B-kun take Kai to bed, as well, because Kai bit him twice for putting him to bed. Why? Well, Kai probably didn't want to go to bed, and he saw B-kun as the Not-Mom who was making him do something he didn't want to do....
That's the sort of hindsight that makes me facepalm myself, but I learn and help B-kun try to understand, too.
A lot of the time, because my husband has never really had an animal of his own - cats don't count... - he doesn't know what to do or how to act around them. I, on the other hand, have lived around and worked with animals all of my life. I associate better with animals than I do people, for the most part, so I find myself explaining things to B-kun a lot, because he just doesn't see things from an animal's point of view, and he doesn't understand why they're acting a certain way. I'm often confused as to why people act so irrationally, lie, cheat, and treat others so horribly, though occasionally I can break it down into instincts, such as reward-seeking behaviour, territorial behaviour, flock behaviour, etcetera. A lot of the time I attribute people acting like jackasses to boredom and a lack of proper mental stimulation and exercise...
On that note on behaviours, I'm not looking forward to spring mating hormones, but if other people can endure it - if Paul and his staff at Birds Unlimited can handle all of their parrots during spring!! - then I can handle it. I've done lots of reading on how to minimize his hormones, like keeping his light on a timer, not feeding certain foods, and not encouraging mating or courtship rituals. I'll admit that I'm nervous that Kai will be flying over to attack B-kun once his hormones are in full gear. So far, Kai has only shown an interest in flying to his house - not to me, and not towards B-kun to scare him away or to bite him. That was Kai's doctor's main concern where parrots being flighted were considered. He said that parrots should be clipped to prevent them from acting out their aggression and to keep them from being territorial. I believe that it depends on the parrot, like any other person or animal, but we'll see. If Kai does get out of hand, I'll opt for him to be only partially clipped during the spring, and he'll be fully flighted during fall and winter.
I'm doing more reading now on how to encourage Kai to fly, along with a few other things that I feel may be important to his good health. For a while, he really didn't seem able to fly - or maybe it was just because he lacked the self-confidence to push himself to let go of my finger. There were a few times where he had taken one foot off my finger as I walked forward and said my usual, "Let's go, Kai, WHEE!!!" as he flapped his wings for exercises...but he would always hold on. Now, he feels much more confident, I think, so much so that he flew from my husband's hand in the living room, through the foyer, around the slight corner, and right onto his house!! It was such an eventful night...
It's now 1:00 am and Kai and I are hungry! It's time for "lunch"...I feel a little bad for turning Kai into a night owl like me, but he has adjusted to my schedule easily enough! I think it helps that my room is completely dark, even with the sun shining outside, unless I have my full spectrum lights on.
What does Kai say? 2010
After one year of living with me, words/phrases that Kai says:
Let's go!
Hi, Kai
Aya (papaya)
Awmon (almond)
See (seed)
Thank you
Din din
Eat your dindin
Up please
Down please
Potty/Do you need to go potty?
Love you
OLIVER! (yelling at the cat, hee...)
Good morning
Baby bird/Hi baby bird
I'm a cute bird
(Wolf whistle, also says, "Wew wew!")
(Trumpet charge whistle)
(Long whistle in response to Trumpet charge whistle)
(Part of the Addam's Family whistle)
(Kissie noises)
Good boy
I'm a good boy
Good bird
Be a good bird
Chirp! (this is different from his parrot chirps, he actually says, Chirp!)
(Laughs like me)
Whatcha doin'?
Come here, Kai.
Oh boy!
What the fuh? ( [:O] )
It's super cute in the morning if he wakes up before I do and quietly "practices", because he'll string together all the words he's practicing on and make up sing-songy songs from the words he knows. Sometimes I'll sneak down the stairs and sit at the bottom just to listen to him.
Let's go!
Hi, Kai
Aya (papaya)
Awmon (almond)
See (seed)
Thank you
Din din
Eat your dindin
Up please
Down please
Potty/Do you need to go potty?
Love you
OLIVER! (yelling at the cat, hee...)
Good morning
Baby bird/Hi baby bird
I'm a cute bird
(Wolf whistle, also says, "Wew wew!")
(Trumpet charge whistle)
(Long whistle in response to Trumpet charge whistle)
(Part of the Addam's Family whistle)
(Kissie noises)
Good boy
I'm a good boy
Good bird
Be a good bird
Chirp! (this is different from his parrot chirps, he actually says, Chirp!)
(Laughs like me)
Whatcha doin'?
Come here, Kai.
Oh boy!
What the fuh? ( [:O] )
It's super cute in the morning if he wakes up before I do and quietly "practices", because he'll string together all the words he's practicing on and make up sing-songy songs from the words he knows. Sometimes I'll sneak down the stairs and sit at the bottom just to listen to him.
The forum post I submitted to the Bird Channel forum.
I did hours of research before I brought home my very first parrot, a blue-headed Pionus, January of 2009. Based on my research, I had also been considering a Senegal, but it was Kai who stole my heart. I wanted to make certain that whichever species I brought home would match my own personal temperament and lifestyle, which is calm, quiet, and peaceful for the most part. It was very important to me that the parrots I looked at wanted to be with me, because in my experience, if an animal isn't interested in you, then it may not be a good match when you bring them home. Kai was the only one who marched right over to me for head scratches, cried when I walked away, then stepped up onto me when I put my hand out. The thing that clinched the decision for me was when he tried to regurgitate food for me... Kai chose me, so I chose him, and it has been a wonderful relationship since!
Pionus are well-known for being wonderful beginner's parrots, because they tend to be quieter, quite amicable, level-headed, very good about socializing with other people, are independent, and are very affectionate. Obviously, every pi is different, though, and it varies by individual. It seems that Pionus are rarely rehomed, because they're such wonderful birds and they don't tend to have some of the less favourable traits and behaviours of other parrots.
Noise-wise, Kai is chattier during the morning when he first wakes up, then again before it's bedtime, which is normal for most parrots, I've read. If we're listening to music together, he loves to sing along, or if we're watching a music-oriented television show together (he LOVES watching Metalocalpyse with my husband and I), he also talks up a storm/sings. His chit-chat is generally on the rambling, quiet side, on a conversational level. His natural parrot sounds are very pleasant to listen to, varying between a rolling chitter to chirps to crackles to popping peeps. If you were in a room talking to someone else, you might not even notice your pionus talking, they're so quiet. That being said, when they want to be heard...a pionus WILL be heard!
I remember the first day that Kai came down off his perch by the couch, because I had told him, "BRB", which means that I would be back in a second. Well, I took a little longer than a few minutes, so he came looking for me. My dog came over to say hello, and I heard this totally unfamiliar, LOUD, startling honk from the living room. It sounded like a bicycle horn, except with a honk. My dog took off in the other direction, terrified, and I stood there in the doorway staring at Kai in disbelief. It was so funny when he strutted over, because he gave me an exasperated look and huffed as if to say, "Look what you made me do! I had to walk all the way over here looking for you! What's taking so long?" He understands the difference between "BRB" (minutes) and "I'll be back later" (hours).
Kai has also learned the shrill, single note whistle that I use to call the dog and cats (unfortunately....I didn't realize that I was doing it until he mimicked me!). So...if he wants me to come downstairs, he dog-whistles for me. I've been working with him on this so that he'll say a softer word. I think it also helps that I never yell around him and always speak quietly to him. He knows several words and phrases, knows how to ask for things, and picks up new words after a week or two of working with him.
I really love that he doesn't have to be on my arm constantly, or that he needs my attention all the time. My friends say that some birds will scream if they're not on you all the time. He's perfectly content to sit on his drawbridge door to his house and play with toys or chewies, or perch on the branch sticking out closer to me. Kai really loves foot toys, which I tie to his drawbridge to prevent from falling onto the floor. He likes to pull them back up to play with them again, too. He isn't much of a chewer, but he does love the thin wooden discs and small clothing pins, which he breaks and snaps for fun. He really loves vine balls, which I stuff with treats. After we've eaten dinner, he's very happy to step up onto my arm for head kissies, head scratches, and allopreening. I like that he's also not a tiny bird, but a good, stocky, solid size that can defend himself if need be.
Where size is concerned, because he is also a decent size, this means that he is capable of powerful bites, which can tear skin. Kai has bitten me two times before I learned exactly why he bit me at all. Please respect your pi's personal space and do not force them to step-up, bother them if they appear to be aggravated, physically grab them, or stick your hand into their home. Imagine the world from their perspective, envision yourself from their point of view, and empathize with how small they are, versus how large a human is. A human can be very formidable and threatening. It's always best to use positive reinforcement, but it's even better to give them a choice. They should step up and down, because they want to. It took me at least two months to show Kai that he could trust me, and I never forced him to do anything he didn't want to do. After he bit me the first time, I realized that he didn't want to come out, so I let him come out on his own. Once I proved to him that I wasn't going to grab him out of his cage, push against his chest to make him step up, he began to step up onto me if he felt like it. If he didn't/doesn't feel like stepping up, he will politely turn his beak away from me and give me his back. (The other bite was because he was startled.)
My husband complains that he doesn't like Kai, because Kai always tries to bite him if he comes close to the cage. I explained to him that that is Kai's sanctuary and home, so of course he feels protective of it. I told him that it's like a dog's kennel, and how once a dog goes into his kennel, you should never try to pull him back out again, especially if he's feeling upset or defensive. I'm trying to encourage Kai and my husband to bond in neutral ways that do not involve physical contact, such as showering together and having my husband give him treats on a spoon so he can't be bitten. I also remind my husband that if Kai does bite him, he can't scream and do other entertaining things that Kai might enjoy...
So it's very important that you socialize your Pi with everyone in the family, because you don't want a situation where your Pi doesn't like certain people. I find that Kai is more than happy to step up onto complete strangers, also, though he becomes almost silent until he's comfortable with them. He can be passed around to a whole room full of people and not show the slightest bit of aggression, which is wonderful. Kai is also tolerant of my other cats and dog, as well. He loves my fluffy white cat, Murmur, going so far as to lower his head and fluff up for head scratches if Murmur approaches him. (Mur doesn't know what to do, so he just sniffs him.)
When Kai is excited, he emits his unusual Pi scent, which my husband says smells like burned honey. It's quite sweet, and I find it rather pleasant. He's really cute and lets me know that it's bedtime by whining at me and telling me, "Let's go!". When I put him onto his drawbridge, he goes inside onto his favourite sleeping perch, and I draw the blanket over. I've never had to close his drawbridge, because once he's on his house, he stays there unless I take him with me.
As another note, Kai doesn't want to poop on me. I'm not sure if that's common with all parrots, but he lets me know that he needs to go back to his perch to potty by either telling me "Potty!" or "Poop" or by whining at me if he's on my arm. If I don't put him down, he makes a burbling sound and mouthes/beaks me. If, for some reason, I'm totally not paying attention, he'll nip me a little harder. If he's on my knee or leg, he'll just back up as far as he can and poop on whatever's below. It was really cute this one time, because he shook his tail before he pooped while he was standing over his food dish, and I squeaked and pushed him back a little with my finger so he wasn't over the dish. He got defensive, opened his mouth to nip me - then paused to poop, closed his beak, looked a little embarrassed, and uttered, "Thank you."
Another thing that Kai does, which absolutely tickles me, is that he exclaims, "OOoo!!" if I give him something that he really likes - like a piece of papaya, a sunflower seed, or bellpepper.
I have my own organic garden that I grow during the summer, so Kai always gets fresh veggies and fruits from the garden, but during cold months, I buy organic produce from the store. In the mornings and at dinner time, he gets his SSG mush. I call it SSG, because when I cook it, my husband always comes home and remarks, "What is that? It smells so good." It's a mixture of organic ingredients, including azuki beans, mung beans, split peas, spinach and bellpepper rotini, white quinoa, barley, steel cut oats, forbidden rice, wild rice, green, red, and yellow lentils, dried fruit (nothing with sulfites or sugar), chopped almonds, edamame, chopped carrots, flax, sesame, pumpkin, and millet seeds, ground cinnamon, and a sprinkle of dulse. I simmer it for about 25 minutes, then store it in the fridge. When it's time to feed him, I mix in a little hot Bolthouse Farms fruit juice (carrot, mango, berry, and the new holiday flavour are his favourites), stir it, and serve it warm. I've also begun supplementing his diet with a tiny little condiment spoon sized dab of coconut oil and red palm oil. When there is ample sunlight, I also sprout a variety of seeds for Kai (and wheat/rye grass for the cats) and he gets to graze on the plantlife that grows from them.
I like to make carrot "pasta" by steaming ribbons of carrot that I've peeled off with a peeler. This also works with zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and any other firm veggie/fruit. Kai also gets a fair amount of parrot safe table food, but he absolutely adores: bellpeppers, grapes, snap peas, edamame, apples, pears, baguettes. At lunch time, he gets Roudybush's Orchard Harvest and Totally Organic pellets soaked in warm water along with a sprinkle of Zupreem pellets. There is a cuttle bone in his house that he enjoys. He wouldn't so much as touch the mineral block, so I took that out. I like to tie little baskets to the sides of his house in various places and add pinches of food and treats so he can forage. He also has a couple other foraging devices in his house that he checks regularly for goodies, a kebab feeder, and I'll tie bits of veggies and fruit to the bars.
I'm looking into getting an air filter soon, but I'm doing a bit of research, first. For these darker winter months, I have a full-spectrum light for both of us, because it helps me, too! Kai absolutely adores showers, whether by the spray mister in the shower with me, or with the hand spray nozzle in the kitchen sink. He absolutely burbles and babbles and sings when he's in a place with running water, the computer fan, or oddly enough, the vacuum cleaner running.
It seems like a lot of people like to teach their parrots tricks, but I'm happy to just have Kai act like his normal parrot self. He knows basic things like step up please, step down please, switch fingers/arms, and stay there. I'm wanting him to learn to fly, but I'm not having much luck there in that department so I'm going to do more reading. He has grown in all of his flight feathers and looks absolutely stunning! I've been working with him on learning to flap his wings, but I'm not sure if it's enough to exercise him, and he doesn't seem to enjoy it very much. If anyone has tips on teaching their parrot to fly, I would love to hear their advice.
Kai has taught me so much about parrots in our first year together, and my life is richer for it! While I enrich my parrot's life, he also enriches mine. It's really kind of funny, because the girls at Birds Unlimited said that he was one of the nastiest little birds at the store! Hee hee.....he's come such a long way. I love Kai so much.
Pionus are well-known for being wonderful beginner's parrots, because they tend to be quieter, quite amicable, level-headed, very good about socializing with other people, are independent, and are very affectionate. Obviously, every pi is different, though, and it varies by individual. It seems that Pionus are rarely rehomed, because they're such wonderful birds and they don't tend to have some of the less favourable traits and behaviours of other parrots.
Noise-wise, Kai is chattier during the morning when he first wakes up, then again before it's bedtime, which is normal for most parrots, I've read. If we're listening to music together, he loves to sing along, or if we're watching a music-oriented television show together (he LOVES watching Metalocalpyse with my husband and I), he also talks up a storm/sings. His chit-chat is generally on the rambling, quiet side, on a conversational level. His natural parrot sounds are very pleasant to listen to, varying between a rolling chitter to chirps to crackles to popping peeps. If you were in a room talking to someone else, you might not even notice your pionus talking, they're so quiet. That being said, when they want to be heard...a pionus WILL be heard!
I remember the first day that Kai came down off his perch by the couch, because I had told him, "BRB", which means that I would be back in a second. Well, I took a little longer than a few minutes, so he came looking for me. My dog came over to say hello, and I heard this totally unfamiliar, LOUD, startling honk from the living room. It sounded like a bicycle horn, except with a honk. My dog took off in the other direction, terrified, and I stood there in the doorway staring at Kai in disbelief. It was so funny when he strutted over, because he gave me an exasperated look and huffed as if to say, "Look what you made me do! I had to walk all the way over here looking for you! What's taking so long?" He understands the difference between "BRB" (minutes) and "I'll be back later" (hours).
Kai has also learned the shrill, single note whistle that I use to call the dog and cats (unfortunately....I didn't realize that I was doing it until he mimicked me!). So...if he wants me to come downstairs, he dog-whistles for me. I've been working with him on this so that he'll say a softer word. I think it also helps that I never yell around him and always speak quietly to him. He knows several words and phrases, knows how to ask for things, and picks up new words after a week or two of working with him.
I really love that he doesn't have to be on my arm constantly, or that he needs my attention all the time. My friends say that some birds will scream if they're not on you all the time. He's perfectly content to sit on his drawbridge door to his house and play with toys or chewies, or perch on the branch sticking out closer to me. Kai really loves foot toys, which I tie to his drawbridge to prevent from falling onto the floor. He likes to pull them back up to play with them again, too. He isn't much of a chewer, but he does love the thin wooden discs and small clothing pins, which he breaks and snaps for fun. He really loves vine balls, which I stuff with treats. After we've eaten dinner, he's very happy to step up onto my arm for head kissies, head scratches, and allopreening. I like that he's also not a tiny bird, but a good, stocky, solid size that can defend himself if need be.
Where size is concerned, because he is also a decent size, this means that he is capable of powerful bites, which can tear skin. Kai has bitten me two times before I learned exactly why he bit me at all. Please respect your pi's personal space and do not force them to step-up, bother them if they appear to be aggravated, physically grab them, or stick your hand into their home. Imagine the world from their perspective, envision yourself from their point of view, and empathize with how small they are, versus how large a human is. A human can be very formidable and threatening. It's always best to use positive reinforcement, but it's even better to give them a choice. They should step up and down, because they want to. It took me at least two months to show Kai that he could trust me, and I never forced him to do anything he didn't want to do. After he bit me the first time, I realized that he didn't want to come out, so I let him come out on his own. Once I proved to him that I wasn't going to grab him out of his cage, push against his chest to make him step up, he began to step up onto me if he felt like it. If he didn't/doesn't feel like stepping up, he will politely turn his beak away from me and give me his back. (The other bite was because he was startled.)
My husband complains that he doesn't like Kai, because Kai always tries to bite him if he comes close to the cage. I explained to him that that is Kai's sanctuary and home, so of course he feels protective of it. I told him that it's like a dog's kennel, and how once a dog goes into his kennel, you should never try to pull him back out again, especially if he's feeling upset or defensive. I'm trying to encourage Kai and my husband to bond in neutral ways that do not involve physical contact, such as showering together and having my husband give him treats on a spoon so he can't be bitten. I also remind my husband that if Kai does bite him, he can't scream and do other entertaining things that Kai might enjoy...
So it's very important that you socialize your Pi with everyone in the family, because you don't want a situation where your Pi doesn't like certain people. I find that Kai is more than happy to step up onto complete strangers, also, though he becomes almost silent until he's comfortable with them. He can be passed around to a whole room full of people and not show the slightest bit of aggression, which is wonderful. Kai is also tolerant of my other cats and dog, as well. He loves my fluffy white cat, Murmur, going so far as to lower his head and fluff up for head scratches if Murmur approaches him. (Mur doesn't know what to do, so he just sniffs him.)
When Kai is excited, he emits his unusual Pi scent, which my husband says smells like burned honey. It's quite sweet, and I find it rather pleasant. He's really cute and lets me know that it's bedtime by whining at me and telling me, "Let's go!". When I put him onto his drawbridge, he goes inside onto his favourite sleeping perch, and I draw the blanket over. I've never had to close his drawbridge, because once he's on his house, he stays there unless I take him with me.
As another note, Kai doesn't want to poop on me. I'm not sure if that's common with all parrots, but he lets me know that he needs to go back to his perch to potty by either telling me "Potty!" or "Poop" or by whining at me if he's on my arm. If I don't put him down, he makes a burbling sound and mouthes/beaks me. If, for some reason, I'm totally not paying attention, he'll nip me a little harder. If he's on my knee or leg, he'll just back up as far as he can and poop on whatever's below. It was really cute this one time, because he shook his tail before he pooped while he was standing over his food dish, and I squeaked and pushed him back a little with my finger so he wasn't over the dish. He got defensive, opened his mouth to nip me - then paused to poop, closed his beak, looked a little embarrassed, and uttered, "Thank you."
Another thing that Kai does, which absolutely tickles me, is that he exclaims, "OOoo!!" if I give him something that he really likes - like a piece of papaya, a sunflower seed, or bellpepper.
I have my own organic garden that I grow during the summer, so Kai always gets fresh veggies and fruits from the garden, but during cold months, I buy organic produce from the store. In the mornings and at dinner time, he gets his SSG mush. I call it SSG, because when I cook it, my husband always comes home and remarks, "What is that? It smells so good." It's a mixture of organic ingredients, including azuki beans, mung beans, split peas, spinach and bellpepper rotini, white quinoa, barley, steel cut oats, forbidden rice, wild rice, green, red, and yellow lentils, dried fruit (nothing with sulfites or sugar), chopped almonds, edamame, chopped carrots, flax, sesame, pumpkin, and millet seeds, ground cinnamon, and a sprinkle of dulse. I simmer it for about 25 minutes, then store it in the fridge. When it's time to feed him, I mix in a little hot Bolthouse Farms fruit juice (carrot, mango, berry, and the new holiday flavour are his favourites), stir it, and serve it warm. I've also begun supplementing his diet with a tiny little condiment spoon sized dab of coconut oil and red palm oil. When there is ample sunlight, I also sprout a variety of seeds for Kai (and wheat/rye grass for the cats) and he gets to graze on the plantlife that grows from them.
I like to make carrot "pasta" by steaming ribbons of carrot that I've peeled off with a peeler. This also works with zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and any other firm veggie/fruit. Kai also gets a fair amount of parrot safe table food, but he absolutely adores: bellpeppers, grapes, snap peas, edamame, apples, pears, baguettes. At lunch time, he gets Roudybush's Orchard Harvest and Totally Organic pellets soaked in warm water along with a sprinkle of Zupreem pellets. There is a cuttle bone in his house that he enjoys. He wouldn't so much as touch the mineral block, so I took that out. I like to tie little baskets to the sides of his house in various places and add pinches of food and treats so he can forage. He also has a couple other foraging devices in his house that he checks regularly for goodies, a kebab feeder, and I'll tie bits of veggies and fruit to the bars.
I'm looking into getting an air filter soon, but I'm doing a bit of research, first. For these darker winter months, I have a full-spectrum light for both of us, because it helps me, too! Kai absolutely adores showers, whether by the spray mister in the shower with me, or with the hand spray nozzle in the kitchen sink. He absolutely burbles and babbles and sings when he's in a place with running water, the computer fan, or oddly enough, the vacuum cleaner running.
It seems like a lot of people like to teach their parrots tricks, but I'm happy to just have Kai act like his normal parrot self. He knows basic things like step up please, step down please, switch fingers/arms, and stay there. I'm wanting him to learn to fly, but I'm not having much luck there in that department so I'm going to do more reading. He has grown in all of his flight feathers and looks absolutely stunning! I've been working with him on learning to flap his wings, but I'm not sure if it's enough to exercise him, and he doesn't seem to enjoy it very much. If anyone has tips on teaching their parrot to fly, I would love to hear their advice.
Kai has taught me so much about parrots in our first year together, and my life is richer for it! While I enrich my parrot's life, he also enriches mine. It's really kind of funny, because the girls at Birds Unlimited said that he was one of the nastiest little birds at the store! Hee hee.....he's come such a long way. I love Kai so much.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Traveling with your pets!
I thought this was a great article for traveling with any of your pets, not just parrots!
After 9/11
by Sandee L. Molenda, C.A.S.
(link from: http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww62eii.htm)
Since the horrible tragedies of September 11th, we have all been informed of the extra-ordinary but much needed changes in security regarding flying. For those of us who have the occasion to fly with our bird, these have certainly been interesting times. We all acknowledge the need for the searches and screenings and as someone who flies frequently, I applaud the extra vigilance. However, I have found, that unfortunately, many security personnel are unsure how to handle pets that are flying with their owners. I hope to offer some insight and tips on how to make your next flight with your pet as smooth and easy as possible for security personnel, owners and above all, the bird.
Booking Your Flight
Before you book your flight, make sure the airline you choose allows pets in the cabin. Not all airlines do and all of them have the restriction of the bird fitting underneath the seat in front of you. Others limit bird size to only cockatiel or smaller. FAA regulations allow for only two pets in the main cabin so you must make reservations for your bird with your airline. There will be a charge anywhere from $50-$100 each way which you will have to pay upon your check-in at the airport. Also, get a health certificate from your veterinarian no earlier than 10 days for your RETURN flight. Not all airlines require a health certificate but that may not matter if you are dealing with someone who is unaware of the policy. Best to be prepared just in case.
Preparing Your Bird
Buy an airline-approved under-the-seat carrier. The #100 Cabin Kennel is inexpensive, easy to clean and comes with either solid or wire top. It can be purchased at most pet supply stores. Get a small cage that comfortably holds your bird and fits inside the carrier. Be sure to include a perch and food and water cups. Do not cover the bottom of the cage or you may be required to remove your bird from the cage. Place a small bag of your bird's food and bottle of water inside but make sure there are no scissors, wire cutters or other sharp objects inside. Again, do not line the cage or carrier.
If possible, clip the bird's wings (not possible for people who exhibit birds). This is always good insurance under any conditions but even more so now. The day of the flight, feed and water the bird and then place it in the cage with food, millet, juicy fruits and an ice cube in the water cup (it will melt before you get on the plane, believe me).
What to Expect at the Airport
Get to the airport at least two hours prior to your flight; some places were requiring four hours so check with your airlines. You should confirm your flight before you leave for the airport and make sure to check any connecting flights. Some airlines have reinstated curbside check in for luggage but not all. And, if you are flying with your bird, you will have to check your luggage. The FAA has limited carry-on bags to one plus a "personal" item such as a purse, briefcase or lap top computer so your bird will count as your carry-on even though you are paying extra.
When you get to the counter, immediately inform them you have a pet, who has a reservation, and that you need to pay his expenses. Present your health certificate and confirmation number for the bird's reservations. Do not be surprised if the person behind the counter is unfamiliar on how to process the bird's "ticket" but remain calm and do not get frustrated. There are a lot of armed law enforcement and military in the airport and you do not want a misunderstanding to develop with anyone. Remain calm and wait patiently - eventually, things will be done and you will be on your way. Make sure you have both receipts - one that is kept for your records and one that should be stapled to your ticket. This proves you have paid for the bird and should be shown to security personnel if asked. It is often asked prior to boarding the plane as well. Also, keep your health certificate handy - sometimes airlines and/or security ask to see it.
When you approach the security screening areas, ask for a hand-search of your bird. Most airports have turned their x-ray machines up to the highest level and this may be harmful to your bird. Inform them you can remove the bird from the carrier for inspection. You will have to hand the carrier to security, walk through the metal detector (without setting it off) and comply with all other security procedures (turning on laptops, removing cell phones, etc.) Gather your belongings and immediately open the carrier and remove the cage with the bird inside. Hold it so all angles can be seen by security - they may ask that the empty carrier go through x-ray to make sure it does not have a false bottom. Again, this procedure can be difficult because there has been virtually no training among security personnel on how to inspect animals especially birds. Most assume you have a cat or small dog that can easily be removed. Be patient and show whatever papers they request - receipt from the airlines, health certificate, whatever. Do not get angry or act rudely - remain calm and if all else fails, ask to see a supervisor.
Once you have gone through security, you may be asked by airline personnel to see the receipt for the bird and/or the health certificate. This may also be done at subsequent plane changes so make sure they are kept handy.
Things have definitely changed with flying in America and it is much better for all of us. I am sure I am safer flying now than I was six months ago. However, until the security system can be uniform at all airports by trained and skilled people, things are going to be difficult. But it is something that we can be prepared for and adjust to so long as we use a little planning and a lot of understanding.
Tips For Flying With Birds
1. Make Reservations For Bird
2. Get Health Certificate
3. Use Cage in Carrier
4. No Paper or Substrate on Floor
5. Use Airline Approved Carrier
6. Arrive 2 Hours Before Flight
7. Pay for Bird & Obtain Receipt
8. Present Receipt/HC When Requested
9. Have Bird Hand Inspected
10. Remove Bird in Cage for Inspection
11. Remain Patient and Calm
After 9/11
by Sandee L. Molenda, C.A.S.
(link from: http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww62eii.htm)
Since the horrible tragedies of September 11th, we have all been informed of the extra-ordinary but much needed changes in security regarding flying. For those of us who have the occasion to fly with our bird, these have certainly been interesting times. We all acknowledge the need for the searches and screenings and as someone who flies frequently, I applaud the extra vigilance. However, I have found, that unfortunately, many security personnel are unsure how to handle pets that are flying with their owners. I hope to offer some insight and tips on how to make your next flight with your pet as smooth and easy as possible for security personnel, owners and above all, the bird.
Booking Your Flight
Before you book your flight, make sure the airline you choose allows pets in the cabin. Not all airlines do and all of them have the restriction of the bird fitting underneath the seat in front of you. Others limit bird size to only cockatiel or smaller. FAA regulations allow for only two pets in the main cabin so you must make reservations for your bird with your airline. There will be a charge anywhere from $50-$100 each way which you will have to pay upon your check-in at the airport. Also, get a health certificate from your veterinarian no earlier than 10 days for your RETURN flight. Not all airlines require a health certificate but that may not matter if you are dealing with someone who is unaware of the policy. Best to be prepared just in case.
Preparing Your Bird
Buy an airline-approved under-the-seat carrier. The #100 Cabin Kennel is inexpensive, easy to clean and comes with either solid or wire top. It can be purchased at most pet supply stores. Get a small cage that comfortably holds your bird and fits inside the carrier. Be sure to include a perch and food and water cups. Do not cover the bottom of the cage or you may be required to remove your bird from the cage. Place a small bag of your bird's food and bottle of water inside but make sure there are no scissors, wire cutters or other sharp objects inside. Again, do not line the cage or carrier.
If possible, clip the bird's wings (not possible for people who exhibit birds). This is always good insurance under any conditions but even more so now. The day of the flight, feed and water the bird and then place it in the cage with food, millet, juicy fruits and an ice cube in the water cup (it will melt before you get on the plane, believe me).
What to Expect at the Airport
Get to the airport at least two hours prior to your flight; some places were requiring four hours so check with your airlines. You should confirm your flight before you leave for the airport and make sure to check any connecting flights. Some airlines have reinstated curbside check in for luggage but not all. And, if you are flying with your bird, you will have to check your luggage. The FAA has limited carry-on bags to one plus a "personal" item such as a purse, briefcase or lap top computer so your bird will count as your carry-on even though you are paying extra.
When you get to the counter, immediately inform them you have a pet, who has a reservation, and that you need to pay his expenses. Present your health certificate and confirmation number for the bird's reservations. Do not be surprised if the person behind the counter is unfamiliar on how to process the bird's "ticket" but remain calm and do not get frustrated. There are a lot of armed law enforcement and military in the airport and you do not want a misunderstanding to develop with anyone. Remain calm and wait patiently - eventually, things will be done and you will be on your way. Make sure you have both receipts - one that is kept for your records and one that should be stapled to your ticket. This proves you have paid for the bird and should be shown to security personnel if asked. It is often asked prior to boarding the plane as well. Also, keep your health certificate handy - sometimes airlines and/or security ask to see it.
When you approach the security screening areas, ask for a hand-search of your bird. Most airports have turned their x-ray machines up to the highest level and this may be harmful to your bird. Inform them you can remove the bird from the carrier for inspection. You will have to hand the carrier to security, walk through the metal detector (without setting it off) and comply with all other security procedures (turning on laptops, removing cell phones, etc.) Gather your belongings and immediately open the carrier and remove the cage with the bird inside. Hold it so all angles can be seen by security - they may ask that the empty carrier go through x-ray to make sure it does not have a false bottom. Again, this procedure can be difficult because there has been virtually no training among security personnel on how to inspect animals especially birds. Most assume you have a cat or small dog that can easily be removed. Be patient and show whatever papers they request - receipt from the airlines, health certificate, whatever. Do not get angry or act rudely - remain calm and if all else fails, ask to see a supervisor.
Once you have gone through security, you may be asked by airline personnel to see the receipt for the bird and/or the health certificate. This may also be done at subsequent plane changes so make sure they are kept handy.
Things have definitely changed with flying in America and it is much better for all of us. I am sure I am safer flying now than I was six months ago. However, until the security system can be uniform at all airports by trained and skilled people, things are going to be difficult. But it is something that we can be prepared for and adjust to so long as we use a little planning and a lot of understanding.
Tips For Flying With Birds
1. Make Reservations For Bird
2. Get Health Certificate
3. Use Cage in Carrier
4. No Paper or Substrate on Floor
5. Use Airline Approved Carrier
6. Arrive 2 Hours Before Flight
7. Pay for Bird & Obtain Receipt
8. Present Receipt/HC When Requested
9. Have Bird Hand Inspected
10. Remove Bird in Cage for Inspection
11. Remain Patient and Calm
NOBODY EVER TOLD ME ...by Lori Zywiciel
I had hints, I had advice, I had cautions, but nobody told me how owning birds would completely take over my life.
Nobody told me I'd become a bird store junky, standing at the checkout counter in bliss until half way home and then wondering just how long it would be before the Visa came in or husband asked for the check book to balance the account.
Nobody told me my husband would say, "I think you ought to stay away from the bird store. You seem to have lost all control". Hmmmm ... Me? How did this happen?
Nobody told me when I saw a particular cage for $595.00 I might think wow that IS a good deal. Or when someone mentioned a $4,000.00 cage I could see the reason some people might need a cage like that.
Nobody told me that I would be up at 7:00am on Sunday morning peeling yams and apples to cook so they would be added into a corn meal and wheat cereal mash.
Nobody told me I wouldn't mind when feeding that mash to my bird he would head shake his head with that mixture flying in every direction, on to my carpet, on to my clothes, on to my face.
Nobody told me how much money I would spend on food, how much of it I would buy and just how little my birds would like any of it.
Nobody mentioned that once you own birds you need an extra freezer in the garage.
Nobody told me that I would spend an hour standing with my hand on a tree branch watching for hawks so my bird could hang out in the sun and chew new buds.
Nobody told me I would be on the computer at all hours talking and reading about birds.
Nobody told me I would make friends I will never see and that I would worry about them and theirs as if family.
Nobody told me I would check my son's bed for old or damaged stuffed animals to give to the bird like that stuffed cat. He never really liked it and it is missing a leg anyway.
Nobody told me I would do two extra loads of laundry a week with bird towels and sheets. Nobody told me every morning I would put a sheet over my covers, litter my bed with weird wooden things, stuffed animals, leather pieces, apple slices and peanuts.
Nobody told me just how much he would squawk. Nobody told me I would come to hear differences in the tone and shrillness. Nobody told me I not only could tell the difference but would learn when to respond or that my husband would say it's okay, this is his good morning happy time he will settle down.
Nobody could have known that my husband would say, so he squawks it is less and less the kids will deal with it.
Nobody told me I could play with him like I do. That he would chase me and I would chase him. That he would be just as exuberant as a puppy.
Nobody told me my husband would rather snuggle with the bird in the morning than make his bagel.
Nobody told my husband would make an extra half a bagel to share with the birds.
Nobody could have convinced me that this same husband would agree to shower with the birds in the bathroom (for the steam) and then without urging, could be heard to play peek-a-boo while drying off.
Nobody told me how much I would sing out loud. Nobody could have guessed those songs would be golden oldies like You Are My Sunshine or songs from musicals.
Nobody told how excited I would get to come home after 6 hrs. and see seed thrown all over the place. Yea! He ate while I was gone.
Nobody told me that I would not resent vacuuming twice a day to clean up the mess he made while eating alone. Nobody told me how my heart would tighten when I got home today after being gone for six hours and took my squawking baby out.
Nobody told me how I would feel when sooo tired I put out a sheet on the floor, put toys all over, grabbed a pillow for me, lay down and my birdy only wanted to snuggle with me.
Nobody told me how it would feel to have a little bird body across your chest and neck, little head on your cheek. I was not told how soft his kisses would be or how warm his face was as he fell asleep on my cheek cooing softly.
Nobody told me how long I would lay there awake so he could sleep.
Everybody told me I would love him. Nobody could tell me how much.
Copyright © 2000 Lori Zywiciel. All rights reserved.
Email: zywiciel@earthlink.net
Nobody told me I'd become a bird store junky, standing at the checkout counter in bliss until half way home and then wondering just how long it would be before the Visa came in or husband asked for the check book to balance the account.
Nobody told me my husband would say, "I think you ought to stay away from the bird store. You seem to have lost all control". Hmmmm ... Me? How did this happen?
Nobody told me when I saw a particular cage for $595.00 I might think wow that IS a good deal. Or when someone mentioned a $4,000.00 cage I could see the reason some people might need a cage like that.
Nobody told me that I would be up at 7:00am on Sunday morning peeling yams and apples to cook so they would be added into a corn meal and wheat cereal mash.
Nobody told me I wouldn't mind when feeding that mash to my bird he would head shake his head with that mixture flying in every direction, on to my carpet, on to my clothes, on to my face.
Nobody told me how much money I would spend on food, how much of it I would buy and just how little my birds would like any of it.
Nobody mentioned that once you own birds you need an extra freezer in the garage.
Nobody told me that I would spend an hour standing with my hand on a tree branch watching for hawks so my bird could hang out in the sun and chew new buds.
Nobody told me I would be on the computer at all hours talking and reading about birds.
Nobody told me I would make friends I will never see and that I would worry about them and theirs as if family.
Nobody told me I would check my son's bed for old or damaged stuffed animals to give to the bird like that stuffed cat. He never really liked it and it is missing a leg anyway.
Nobody told me I would do two extra loads of laundry a week with bird towels and sheets. Nobody told me every morning I would put a sheet over my covers, litter my bed with weird wooden things, stuffed animals, leather pieces, apple slices and peanuts.
Nobody told me just how much he would squawk. Nobody told me I would come to hear differences in the tone and shrillness. Nobody told me I not only could tell the difference but would learn when to respond or that my husband would say it's okay, this is his good morning happy time he will settle down.
Nobody could have known that my husband would say, so he squawks it is less and less the kids will deal with it.
Nobody told me I could play with him like I do. That he would chase me and I would chase him. That he would be just as exuberant as a puppy.
Nobody told me my husband would rather snuggle with the bird in the morning than make his bagel.
Nobody told my husband would make an extra half a bagel to share with the birds.
Nobody could have convinced me that this same husband would agree to shower with the birds in the bathroom (for the steam) and then without urging, could be heard to play peek-a-boo while drying off.
Nobody told me how much I would sing out loud. Nobody could have guessed those songs would be golden oldies like You Are My Sunshine or songs from musicals.
Nobody told how excited I would get to come home after 6 hrs. and see seed thrown all over the place. Yea! He ate while I was gone.
Nobody told me that I would not resent vacuuming twice a day to clean up the mess he made while eating alone. Nobody told me how my heart would tighten when I got home today after being gone for six hours and took my squawking baby out.
Nobody told me how I would feel when sooo tired I put out a sheet on the floor, put toys all over, grabbed a pillow for me, lay down and my birdy only wanted to snuggle with me.
Nobody told me how it would feel to have a little bird body across your chest and neck, little head on your cheek. I was not told how soft his kisses would be or how warm his face was as he fell asleep on my cheek cooing softly.
Nobody told me how long I would lay there awake so he could sleep.
Everybody told me I would love him. Nobody could tell me how much.
Copyright © 2000 Lori Zywiciel. All rights reserved.
Email: zywiciel@earthlink.net
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Braddock Bay Raptor Research's Holiday for Hawks
Braddock Bay Raptor Research held a great event this past November 14th, 2010!
Ron Walker of Friends with Feathers, and Anne and Paul Schnell of Institute for Environmental Learning working in conjunction with Daena Ford and the volunteers of BBRR made it all possible!
A special surprise guest to the show: a Rough-legged Hawk! After being recorded and banded, he was brought over to the show, then was adopted by a wonderful family with two young boys!
It was called Holiday for Hawks, and featured twelve stunning raptors for photographers to shoot in exchange for a small monetary donation.We had opportunities to get right up close to Liberty as she fed! It was an amazing experience, and I hope BBRR does it again in the future on a sunnier day!
Broad-winged Hawk
Harris Hawk, Bronson, the Socialite and life of the party!
Adorable little Kestrel
Peaches organized the craft vendor section, and it gave the public fun things to look through while trying to avoid the chilly, drizzly weather!
Amanda made conversation with her neighbour :D Pottery! Potterypotterypottery....
Peaches and Peaches' mommy threaten to give me the eggs!
The crocheted ribbon necklaces were really neat!
It was a long day for photographers, but it was gorgeous and full of amazing photographs to the very end! Even the sunsetting over the fall foliage didn't disappoint us! Please don't use any of these photographs without my consent, thank you! (The exception is BBRR!)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
So Good, So Far (X-posted from LJ)
I'm SO sorry I've neglected this journal for so long!! I'll try to update everyone on the progress made over here for my friends and family! There was a major issue with me VS Flovent, so my gastroenterologist switched me over to Singulair, instead! I've been really super busy trying to get the garden in gear before the snow hits us. I've since learned how to use the riding mower (It's like Autopia at Disneyland!!!), cleaned up the library room, had a brand new forced air conditioning, a furnace, water heater, dehumidifier, filtration unit, and all the ductwork installed, including taking a whole chimney out and having roofwork done. There was a boxocalypse (that is, apocalypse for boxes...during which, all lingering boxes were broken down and were fed to the recycle men's truck...). I had an arts/crafts show at Braddock Bay for Red Tail Days, and am now preparing for the next MayDay Underground in November. I got an awesome new phone, a Samsung Galaxy S, which is now indispensable to me. I've been working with my various doctors to fix all of my medical issues, and I'm trying new supplements to fix the glaring holes in my diet, as well as being more active.

So far, I'm actually feeling perkier on Singulair...and I've somehow managed to lose ten pounds! Not that I'm complaining! I have changed my diet a bit, I'm taking half a daily whole foods vitamin a day, vitamin D, vitamin E (every other day), omega oils, SAMe, eat more sweet potato (vitamin A), bananas (potassium), drink more water, and I tryyyyyyy to remember to eat every four hours (that part is hard...especially when I really get into a project).

Singulair has documented side effects, but I haven't experienced anything yet besides the runny nose thing - and even then, it might be more because I've been outdoors working in the garden. The high winds are also kicking up a lot of dust, I was practically coated in it when I came in after planting my front yard up.

I feel strangely energetic, despite the weather wreaking havoc on my body, and I'm getting a lot done outside. Maybe it's just anticipation of fall :) I went out shopping today and came home with future Christmas presents :D I seriously need to think of a good way to wrap blankets, maybe I'll just use fabric and sew it together ...wouldn't that be fun to unwrap? Har har har...pull the stitches to open! I know my sister would use the fabric, at least :)

I've been keeping a journal for side effects, issues I may have had, and the way I treated my issues, but more also for my mood, the weather, my diet (geez, who eats chicken curry for breakfast? Besides me, I mean...), and the amount of pain I'm in and where. My cats seem to have a knack for stepping on my pressure points every single day...especially my shoulder-rider, Murdock.

Olliecat got back from the emergency vet's on Sunday after we took him in on Saturday night. He had another blockage and had to be cathetorized and the whole bit. They shaved both his arms and his poor little kitty groin area >.< Good thing he has no sense of modesty, because his little boy kitty bits are all hanging out for all to see. Dignity? What's that if you're a cat?? Doesn't he feel an odd draft? I suppose his meds are keeping him dopey enough to miss that fact, though. He's peeing great on his own and hasn't had any accidents yet.

We're going to be feeding him a variety of anti struvite crystal diets, because he is totally sick and tired of the Royal Canin SO formula after the six years he's been on it. I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to eat steak every day of my life for the rest of my life. I'll be slowly mixing in Purina UR so he adjusts to it, and hopefully he'll find it tasty. I also heard there's a Science Diet version, which I'll ask my vet about more in length next time we're there for a check up (or issue). I hate supporting Purina, Science Diet, and other shitty companies, but I'm not really willing to risk my cat's life while I search for a better diet.

I'm going to be looking up more information on other possible holistic methods, compile the info, and then present it to my vet to see what she thinks. If we can't come up with something, I'll be visiting a holistic vet (once I find one that isn't totally insane...). I'm buying kitty mix from the website formerly known as Feline Future (way back in the day, now http://www.knowbetterpetfood.com). After looking up the Purina UR formula, the bastards' first ingredient is "meat by product"......UGH....hello, 4D foods. Next huge red light? RICE and OATS....f*ck. What part of "kitties don't eat grains in the wild, never mind the fact that it alkalizes the urine, which causes struvite crystals in the first place" doesn't Purina get? I'm bringing this up with the vet when I go in. Hopefully the Feline Future raw diet will work out.

While we lived in California and Oregon, all of my kitties were on a raw food diet. I had different kitties back then, though, but they all did fabulously and had no health problems. My long haired kitty didn't even have health problems. Once I started working full time, I confess I got lazy and switched to manufactured food, though we did switch to Wellness. When my older kitty began to come down with kidney disease, however, I had to switch him to a Science Diet formula instead. I didn't want to chance his health ;( Of course, not more than a year or so after that, he succumbed to an insanely aggressive lymph cancer. I felt like, well, if he was going to die anyway, I should've just kept him on a raw meat diet that he actually enjoyed. At least in his last days, he got to eat things like lobster, sashimi, prime rib, and other tasty things...
My little munchkins here get raw meat as I prepare dinner for hubby and I, too, especially since Wegmans likes to package 3 chicken breasts per package. Kitties get one breast, hubby and I get one each. Mitzy was confused by the appearance of raw meat in her bowl, but she gobbled it up once she realized it was edible. At least I know everyone will readily devour a raw diet... My dog can't stomach raw, ground sirloin, but he's eaten turkey and chicken without any barfing whatsoever. I had kind of gawked at him when he turned his nose up at ground lamb, but apparently he hates it - even in canned food.
In other news, Kai cracks me up. I've taken to saying pokemon sounds/names to him, and last night, while perched upon my arm after dinner, he looks up at me and says, "Pika pika!" I almost rolled off the couch laughing. I forget if I mentioned it, but he also sometimes announces, before he cops a squat, "Potty!" and/or "Poop!" and maybe also "Poofy bird" (when he fluffs himself up, I say Poofy bird! and he often fluffs himself up, shakes his tail, and squats before pooping...so he Poofy birds...and he realizes this LOL). He really enjoys walking around across our laps and the couch now, too. I spread towels across us and he runs about picking up and throwing the wooden toys I scatter around, or picking up/kicking his footie toys. He nestled between R and I briefly, which was really adorable, but then he spied a sunflower seed...Since Sacha (the dog) likes to lay next to R, Kai also marches over to preen his tail or bite at his ears. Sacha, being asleep, generally doesn't even notice, so I guess Kai isn't biting him very hard. :)
Kai also really loves hanging upside down, the little weirdo. The first time he did it from his perch, I thought he'd gotten his foot caught and died!! I screamed and went to pick him up, and he started when I cupped his back. He can whistle part of the Adamm's Family song now, too, and he also makes up his own songs using a combination of the whistles he already knows, which I think is adorable.
It's almost midnight, time for bed...but I feel inspired to draw and create, so I think I'll do that for a while before I turn in :) I have the huge May Day Underground art show coming up on November 6th, and I'd like to have more stuff available for sale this time around :)
I've got a lot of gorgeous birds visiting my new platform feeder! Here's a sneak peek at future photographs to come! (Only, not as blurry.....I need to clean my window, YIKES!)
So far, I'm actually feeling perkier on Singulair...and I've somehow managed to lose ten pounds! Not that I'm complaining! I have changed my diet a bit, I'm taking half a daily whole foods vitamin a day, vitamin D, vitamin E (every other day), omega oils, SAMe, eat more sweet potato (vitamin A), bananas (potassium), drink more water, and I tryyyyyyy to remember to eat every four hours (that part is hard...especially when I really get into a project).
Singulair has documented side effects, but I haven't experienced anything yet besides the runny nose thing - and even then, it might be more because I've been outdoors working in the garden. The high winds are also kicking up a lot of dust, I was practically coated in it when I came in after planting my front yard up.
I feel strangely energetic, despite the weather wreaking havoc on my body, and I'm getting a lot done outside. Maybe it's just anticipation of fall :) I went out shopping today and came home with future Christmas presents :D I seriously need to think of a good way to wrap blankets, maybe I'll just use fabric and sew it together ...wouldn't that be fun to unwrap? Har har har...pull the stitches to open! I know my sister would use the fabric, at least :)
I've been keeping a journal for side effects, issues I may have had, and the way I treated my issues, but more also for my mood, the weather, my diet (geez, who eats chicken curry for breakfast? Besides me, I mean...), and the amount of pain I'm in and where. My cats seem to have a knack for stepping on my pressure points every single day...especially my shoulder-rider, Murdock.
Olliecat got back from the emergency vet's on Sunday after we took him in on Saturday night. He had another blockage and had to be cathetorized and the whole bit. They shaved both his arms and his poor little kitty groin area >.< Good thing he has no sense of modesty, because his little boy kitty bits are all hanging out for all to see. Dignity? What's that if you're a cat?? Doesn't he feel an odd draft? I suppose his meds are keeping him dopey enough to miss that fact, though. He's peeing great on his own and hasn't had any accidents yet.
We're going to be feeding him a variety of anti struvite crystal diets, because he is totally sick and tired of the Royal Canin SO formula after the six years he's been on it. I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to eat steak every day of my life for the rest of my life. I'll be slowly mixing in Purina UR so he adjusts to it, and hopefully he'll find it tasty. I also heard there's a Science Diet version, which I'll ask my vet about more in length next time we're there for a check up (or issue). I hate supporting Purina, Science Diet, and other shitty companies, but I'm not really willing to risk my cat's life while I search for a better diet.
I'm going to be looking up more information on other possible holistic methods, compile the info, and then present it to my vet to see what she thinks. If we can't come up with something, I'll be visiting a holistic vet (once I find one that isn't totally insane...). I'm buying kitty mix from the website formerly known as Feline Future (way back in the day, now http://www.knowbetterpetfood.com). After looking up the Purina UR formula, the bastards' first ingredient is "meat by product"......UGH....hello, 4D foods. Next huge red light? RICE and OATS....f*ck. What part of "kitties don't eat grains in the wild, never mind the fact that it alkalizes the urine, which causes struvite crystals in the first place" doesn't Purina get? I'm bringing this up with the vet when I go in. Hopefully the Feline Future raw diet will work out.
While we lived in California and Oregon, all of my kitties were on a raw food diet. I had different kitties back then, though, but they all did fabulously and had no health problems. My long haired kitty didn't even have health problems. Once I started working full time, I confess I got lazy and switched to manufactured food, though we did switch to Wellness. When my older kitty began to come down with kidney disease, however, I had to switch him to a Science Diet formula instead. I didn't want to chance his health ;( Of course, not more than a year or so after that, he succumbed to an insanely aggressive lymph cancer. I felt like, well, if he was going to die anyway, I should've just kept him on a raw meat diet that he actually enjoyed. At least in his last days, he got to eat things like lobster, sashimi, prime rib, and other tasty things...
My little munchkins here get raw meat as I prepare dinner for hubby and I, too, especially since Wegmans likes to package 3 chicken breasts per package. Kitties get one breast, hubby and I get one each. Mitzy was confused by the appearance of raw meat in her bowl, but she gobbled it up once she realized it was edible. At least I know everyone will readily devour a raw diet... My dog can't stomach raw, ground sirloin, but he's eaten turkey and chicken without any barfing whatsoever. I had kind of gawked at him when he turned his nose up at ground lamb, but apparently he hates it - even in canned food.
In other news, Kai cracks me up. I've taken to saying pokemon sounds/names to him, and last night, while perched upon my arm after dinner, he looks up at me and says, "Pika pika!" I almost rolled off the couch laughing. I forget if I mentioned it, but he also sometimes announces, before he cops a squat, "Potty!" and/or "Poop!" and maybe also "Poofy bird" (when he fluffs himself up, I say Poofy bird! and he often fluffs himself up, shakes his tail, and squats before pooping...so he Poofy birds...and he realizes this LOL). He really enjoys walking around across our laps and the couch now, too. I spread towels across us and he runs about picking up and throwing the wooden toys I scatter around, or picking up/kicking his footie toys. He nestled between R and I briefly, which was really adorable, but then he spied a sunflower seed...Since Sacha (the dog) likes to lay next to R, Kai also marches over to preen his tail or bite at his ears. Sacha, being asleep, generally doesn't even notice, so I guess Kai isn't biting him very hard. :)
Kai also really loves hanging upside down, the little weirdo. The first time he did it from his perch, I thought he'd gotten his foot caught and died!! I screamed and went to pick him up, and he started when I cupped his back. He can whistle part of the Adamm's Family song now, too, and he also makes up his own songs using a combination of the whistles he already knows, which I think is adorable.
It's almost midnight, time for bed...but I feel inspired to draw and create, so I think I'll do that for a while before I turn in :) I have the huge May Day Underground art show coming up on November 6th, and I'd like to have more stuff available for sale this time around :)
I've got a lot of gorgeous birds visiting my new platform feeder! Here's a sneak peek at future photographs to come! (Only, not as blurry.....I need to clean my window, YIKES!)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
May Day Underground Venue Was a Success!
Woke up for a second to check mail and stuff...and write a tiny blurb that I made more money than I thought I would on selling art prints and photographs! Success!! I feel really good about all the responses I got to my portfolio in general, though next time I'll have a lot more to offer.
For next time:
~TAKE SOMETHING TO MAKE ME SLEEP THE NIGHT BEFORE. I was so nervous/excited that I got an hour of sleep...
~Draw more furry animals...like bunnies. My Bunny Foo Foo sold the most out of all my prints.
~Don't pack enough food to feed an army, it just weighs too much and I was so nervous or talking so much that I didn't eat any of it, anyway.
~Print more of my fox artwork, because a lot of people like foxes. (I didn't have many printed out, but I got orders to be mailed out!)
~Don't pack as many baskets/bins unless they can actually hold stuff well...Lopsided baskets FTL!
~Must get one 8 foot table to replace a 6 foot table...two 6 footers wasn't quite big enough...
~Moo business cards were a success! Must order more cards...Out of 100, I think 70-80 were taken!
~Have signs for prices printed already...maybe have someone with nice handwriting write signs.
~Sew more owls and kitties...kids loved them.
~Silk screen shirts...
~Colour more kitties...kids loved them and took home the ones that looked like theirs...and buy more frames for them...
~Print out pics of the other animals to display as my family - got a lot of attention because of the pics I had out!
Cool points:
~Peaches and Amanda did such an awesome freakin' job, I can't imagine how much time and effort it took for them to pull everything together. THANK YOU, GUYS!!!
~My husband was SO supportive and awesome. I love him so much! Next time, I think I'll let him go home and just have him pick me up, though. He was so bored...poor thing.
~I actually had everything packed the night before!! GO ME! Now...if I could just figure out where my missing prints went off to...I lost a few kitties somewhere.
~Crafters came out from as far away as Pennsylvania! Holy poohbear!
~We had a huge turnout despite the venue being in an industrial/warehouse zone.
~I had a lot of positive comments and talked more than I have in ages...so much that I lost my voice.
~I have an appointment to design some tattoos for a lady.
~Made lots of cool local crafter friends :)
~Had a great time in general, despite feeling icky...still recovering from whatever illness this is, with allergies piled on top of that. (I had a fever of 100F on Thursday and wasn't sure I'd be able to make it to Saturday, but I did! Thank Dog!)
Silly final thoughts:
~There was a whole group of husbands-of-crafters at the venue. I think I shall call a collective grouping of HoC "a bored". "Oh, honey, look - a bored of husbands-of-crafters! Why don't you join them until I need you?" I think there needs to be a Man Cave Central at each show where they can sit together and play their computer games together when their wives don't need them to watch their booths. Or a HoC support group of some sort...! There could be a DVD with zombies or something playing as they drink beer and huddle together in relative silence...
~When the little girl tells you there's "a carnival" outside with a lot of food, but there aren't any rides, games, or a petting zoo....she means THE FOOD VENDOR. As a note, I shouldn't go around telling vendors I think there's a carnival going on outside, because I believed the little girl (and probably looked like a major blonde...). The nice lady at the quilt shop mentioned it might be the vendor cart in the alley and I finally realized...Ghhh....
But yeah, I had a really great time at the venue and I'm looking forward to attending more! The only thing is...I need to start drawing a couple months in advance. I imagine there'll be a bunch coming up throughout the summer, October, and November. I think I'll start on a bunch of Halloween related projects now, because that'll probably be the next one I'll want to attend :)
For now.....must crash and die in bed again. *Gurgle*
For next time:
~TAKE SOMETHING TO MAKE ME SLEEP THE NIGHT BEFORE. I was so nervous/excited that I got an hour of sleep...
~Draw more furry animals...like bunnies. My Bunny Foo Foo sold the most out of all my prints.
~Don't pack enough food to feed an army, it just weighs too much and I was so nervous or talking so much that I didn't eat any of it, anyway.
~Print more of my fox artwork, because a lot of people like foxes. (I didn't have many printed out, but I got orders to be mailed out!)
~Don't pack as many baskets/bins unless they can actually hold stuff well...Lopsided baskets FTL!
(My booth! It's so uh....well, I'm an artist, what do you want? LULz)
(My sister was with me in spirit, and everyone loved reading my sign)
~Moo business cards were a success! Must order more cards...Out of 100, I think 70-80 were taken!
~Have signs for prices printed already...maybe have someone with nice handwriting write signs.
~Sew more owls and kitties...kids loved them.
~Silk screen shirts...
~Colour more kitties...kids loved them and took home the ones that looked like theirs...and buy more frames for them...
~Print out pics of the other animals to display as my family - got a lot of attention because of the pics I had out!
Cool points:
~Peaches and Amanda did such an awesome freakin' job, I can't imagine how much time and effort it took for them to pull everything together. THANK YOU, GUYS!!!
~My husband was SO supportive and awesome. I love him so much! Next time, I think I'll let him go home and just have him pick me up, though. He was so bored...poor thing.
~I actually had everything packed the night before!! GO ME! Now...if I could just figure out where my missing prints went off to...I lost a few kitties somewhere.
~Crafters came out from as far away as Pennsylvania! Holy poohbear!
~We had a huge turnout despite the venue being in an industrial/warehouse zone.
~I had a lot of positive comments and talked more than I have in ages...so much that I lost my voice.
~I have an appointment to design some tattoos for a lady.
~Made lots of cool local crafter friends :)
(Peaches can make birds really fast! I didn't quite catch this one :) )
~I got to play with Peaches :) (and finally met the mysterious Amanda!)
~Scored lots of amazing artwork and fun things!~Had a great time in general, despite feeling icky...still recovering from whatever illness this is, with allergies piled on top of that. (I had a fever of 100F on Thursday and wasn't sure I'd be able to make it to Saturday, but I did! Thank Dog!)
Silly final thoughts:
~There was a whole group of husbands-of-crafters at the venue. I think I shall call a collective grouping of HoC "a bored". "Oh, honey, look - a bored of husbands-of-crafters! Why don't you join them until I need you?" I think there needs to be a Man Cave Central at each show where they can sit together and play their computer games together when their wives don't need them to watch their booths. Or a HoC support group of some sort...! There could be a DVD with zombies or something playing as they drink beer and huddle together in relative silence...
~When the little girl tells you there's "a carnival" outside with a lot of food, but there aren't any rides, games, or a petting zoo....she means THE FOOD VENDOR. As a note, I shouldn't go around telling vendors I think there's a carnival going on outside, because I believed the little girl (and probably looked like a major blonde...). The nice lady at the quilt shop mentioned it might be the vendor cart in the alley and I finally realized...Ghhh....
But yeah, I had a really great time at the venue and I'm looking forward to attending more! The only thing is...I need to start drawing a couple months in advance. I imagine there'll be a bunch coming up throughout the summer, October, and November. I think I'll start on a bunch of Halloween related projects now, because that'll probably be the next one I'll want to attend :)
For now.....must crash and die in bed again. *Gurgle*
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Days Just Fly By (Cross-posted from LJ)
Sorry I haven't been posting here very often, I've just been so busy...! I'll go back this week and post older entries with pictures.
So sleepy.....I hate this time of the month. My new wardrobe got here yesterday, along with our new tempurpedic bed. The bed is magical somehow....I swear. I sleep so deeply on it that my cellphone alarm goes off for several minutes, and the only thing that finally wakes me up is Murdock bashing me in the face to say good morning (presumably after he's been driven crazy by the alarm). My back hurt a little, but I'm pretty sure it's because my spine isn't used to being so straight (like it's supposed to be) while I sleep. I got the same delivery guys as I had the first time from Raymour and Flanigan's, and they were really nice as always :) I loaded them up with Cafe Royal cans of coffee (the tastiest damn canned coffee EVER), a jar of Pace Picante salsa, a big bag of blue corn tortilla chips, a bar of cherry-chili chocolate, and a box of organic chocolate oreos. Maybe I'm weird, but I like to give people who deliver things to me snacks. I guess I feel bad that they have to deal with my ancient house, whose doors baaarely make it to 29" wide...with the doors taken off, mind you. I would also like them to be happy, though :) Food makes people happy.
I'm doing a field trip with a group of 15 8-10 year olds at the bay on Monday at 10 am. Daena just needs me to wrangle the little 'uns and help with passing out materials for games, help with displays, help ID raptors, and point out anything of interest as we lead them through the Owl Woods and up at the Hawk Watch platform. It should be a lot of fun, and I should be home by 1pm. I need to find my sun hat so I don't get toasted...
More than anything, I love working with pre-teen kids, because that's when they're not so obsessed with trying to impress their friends, texting on their cellphones, being little angsty jerkfaces in general, etcetera...Their minds are open to the world around them, they're excited to learn, society hasn't smacked them and attacked their creativity and individuality just yet (eg: parents/relatives telling them that they'll never succeed as an artist/musician/etc so they shouldn't pursue that path in life).
Sure, I love kids, but do I want kids? Nooooo........thanks. I like kids that I can give back at the end of the day. Doing this kind of work and volunteering for youth programs means nice single-serving kids :)
Mrs. D says that there's also a Girl Scout troop coming through on the Friday after the birds of prey days, but I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to that one. I'm really trying to make stuff for the craft fair on May 1st as it is...my inspiration just isn't coming. My brain is outside in the garden all day long...argh...focus, must FOCUS!
So sleepy.....I hate this time of the month. My new wardrobe got here yesterday, along with our new tempurpedic bed. The bed is magical somehow....I swear. I sleep so deeply on it that my cellphone alarm goes off for several minutes, and the only thing that finally wakes me up is Murdock bashing me in the face to say good morning (presumably after he's been driven crazy by the alarm). My back hurt a little, but I'm pretty sure it's because my spine isn't used to being so straight (like it's supposed to be) while I sleep. I got the same delivery guys as I had the first time from Raymour and Flanigan's, and they were really nice as always :) I loaded them up with Cafe Royal cans of coffee (the tastiest damn canned coffee EVER), a jar of Pace Picante salsa, a big bag of blue corn tortilla chips, a bar of cherry-chili chocolate, and a box of organic chocolate oreos. Maybe I'm weird, but I like to give people who deliver things to me snacks. I guess I feel bad that they have to deal with my ancient house, whose doors baaarely make it to 29" wide...with the doors taken off, mind you. I would also like them to be happy, though :) Food makes people happy.
I'm doing a field trip with a group of 15 8-10 year olds at the bay on Monday at 10 am. Daena just needs me to wrangle the little 'uns and help with passing out materials for games, help with displays, help ID raptors, and point out anything of interest as we lead them through the Owl Woods and up at the Hawk Watch platform. It should be a lot of fun, and I should be home by 1pm. I need to find my sun hat so I don't get toasted...
More than anything, I love working with pre-teen kids, because that's when they're not so obsessed with trying to impress their friends, texting on their cellphones, being little angsty jerkfaces in general, etcetera...Their minds are open to the world around them, they're excited to learn, society hasn't smacked them and attacked their creativity and individuality just yet (eg: parents/relatives telling them that they'll never succeed as an artist/musician/etc so they shouldn't pursue that path in life).
Sure, I love kids, but do I want kids? Nooooo........thanks. I like kids that I can give back at the end of the day. Doing this kind of work and volunteering for youth programs means nice single-serving kids :)
Mrs. D says that there's also a Girl Scout troop coming through on the Friday after the birds of prey days, but I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to that one. I'm really trying to make stuff for the craft fair on May 1st as it is...my inspiration just isn't coming. My brain is outside in the garden all day long...argh...focus, must FOCUS!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Not bird-related, but....
I just had to post this from my sister's friend's FB! It's SOOO adorable!!
...Jonas: "Mama, sleeves?" so I rolled them up.
"Socks off?" so I took them off.
Then, he tugs on his little toe and says, "Toe off?" I told him they don't come off and he said, "Uh-oh, toe stuck!!"
Aah, the magic of 2 :)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Holy Fallen Tree Limbs, Batman!
WHOA. That sums up my reaction this morning when I peered with bleary eyes out the bathroom window.
What is that, you ask? Why, that was the limb of the tree I was photographing last night! Actually, I was photographing UNDER that limb, more precisely.
Not one, but TWO limbs fell due to the weight of the snow, in fact, one right atop the other. I'm guessing that the weight of the upper limb crashing into the lower limb did the lower limb in, however. I'm so incredibly sad, because I loved the bushy "skirt" that lower branch in particular made. I like to use the shaggy tree limbs as blinds when I try to take pictures of birds, also.
These two photos were taken before the limbs' demises...So sad. QQ. I wish I could tape his poor limbs back on....but I don't think it would regrow. Hubby was only able to move one of the enormous limbs, which were nearly as long as my car. The other was too heavy to move. I couldn't help, because my back and shoulders are already torn up and strained from shoveling.
My magnolia tree, Mikari, looks rather splendid in the snow! The shots with longer exposure times turn out so dramatic! As long as I don't wiggle...
These are all taken with the (un)"natural" street lamps casting an amber glow over the scenery.
The world is such an ethereal place at 3am. I'm not certain what the blue glow is, but it's either the moonlight or someone's house illuminating the road down there.
This shot of a car driving up the road reminds me of one of my favourite Moonspell songs, Nocturna. We live right on the crest of a hill before it grades downwards towards the lake. It was really amusing to see people with their summer tires on in December trying to get enough traction to make it up this hill. There was one guy in a Corvette with drag racing wheels on. He was basically moving at six inches a minute all the way up - it was ridiculous.
I don't know what kind of tree this is, but this is Cicada Cottage :) This is where the most cicadas seem to emerge from during summer. It's an enormous, beautiful tree, too.
You know how I said we were going to get a lot of snow, right? Well....this is a snowshot from this morning! If you're wondering how I got most of these shots, it's because I was also using an umbrella to shield my lense and camera from the flying snow. I had my tripod, but my nightvision is awful, so please bear with my blurry shots...I can't always tell when I'm in focus when it's dark out. It's a different world at night...so beautiful.
I keep these cute little lantern lights out pretty much all year...the only problem I have is that you have to turn the inside foyer light on for one side and the street lamp light on for the other side. They're on separate circuits, so it's kind of annoying.
I was also pissed off, because yesterday, someone (probably the snowplow) hit our mailbox post and knocked out mailbox partially off of it. Well, this morning, when I peeked out of the window, i also noticed our mailbox had become completely detached from the post and was sinking into the snow. We didn't get any mail today, so I'm not certain if it's because we didn't have any mail, or if it was because our maillady is holding it for us due to our lack of mailbox.
Arrrrrrrrrr............!!!!!! And yes, that is a monkey riding a rocketship on our mailbox... :)
What is that, you ask? Why, that was the limb of the tree I was photographing last night! Actually, I was photographing UNDER that limb, more precisely.
Not one, but TWO limbs fell due to the weight of the snow, in fact, one right atop the other. I'm guessing that the weight of the upper limb crashing into the lower limb did the lower limb in, however. I'm so incredibly sad, because I loved the bushy "skirt" that lower branch in particular made. I like to use the shaggy tree limbs as blinds when I try to take pictures of birds, also.
These two photos were taken before the limbs' demises...So sad. QQ. I wish I could tape his poor limbs back on....but I don't think it would regrow. Hubby was only able to move one of the enormous limbs, which were nearly as long as my car. The other was too heavy to move. I couldn't help, because my back and shoulders are already torn up and strained from shoveling.
My magnolia tree, Mikari, looks rather splendid in the snow! The shots with longer exposure times turn out so dramatic! As long as I don't wiggle...
These are all taken with the (un)"natural" street lamps casting an amber glow over the scenery.
The world is such an ethereal place at 3am. I'm not certain what the blue glow is, but it's either the moonlight or someone's house illuminating the road down there.
This shot of a car driving up the road reminds me of one of my favourite Moonspell songs, Nocturna. We live right on the crest of a hill before it grades downwards towards the lake. It was really amusing to see people with their summer tires on in December trying to get enough traction to make it up this hill. There was one guy in a Corvette with drag racing wheels on. He was basically moving at six inches a minute all the way up - it was ridiculous.
I don't know what kind of tree this is, but this is Cicada Cottage :) This is where the most cicadas seem to emerge from during summer. It's an enormous, beautiful tree, too.
You know how I said we were going to get a lot of snow, right? Well....this is a snowshot from this morning! If you're wondering how I got most of these shots, it's because I was also using an umbrella to shield my lense and camera from the flying snow. I had my tripod, but my nightvision is awful, so please bear with my blurry shots...I can't always tell when I'm in focus when it's dark out. It's a different world at night...so beautiful.
I keep these cute little lantern lights out pretty much all year...the only problem I have is that you have to turn the inside foyer light on for one side and the street lamp light on for the other side. They're on separate circuits, so it's kind of annoying.
I was also pissed off, because yesterday, someone (probably the snowplow) hit our mailbox post and knocked out mailbox partially off of it. Well, this morning, when I peeked out of the window, i also noticed our mailbox had become completely detached from the post and was sinking into the snow. We didn't get any mail today, so I'm not certain if it's because we didn't have any mail, or if it was because our maillady is holding it for us due to our lack of mailbox.
Arrrrrrrrrr............!!!!!! And yes, that is a monkey riding a rocketship on our mailbox... :)
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